calling card
英 [ˈkɔːlɪŋ kɑːd]
美 [ˈkɔːlɪŋ kɑːrd]
n. 名片
- 名片
Acalling cardis a small card with personal information about you on it, such as your name and address, which you can give to people when you go to visit them.
- a distinguishing characteristic or behavior
- bombs are a terrorist's calling cards
- a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited
- a card that is used instead of cash to make telephone calls
- The last calling card you'll ever need.
您所需的终极电话卡。 - Two days later, the drivers mutilated body turned up, reportedly with a chrysanthemum stuffed into his mouth a calling card of The Flower, one of the Mexico Citys most notorious kidnapping gangs.
两天后,有人发现了被肢解的司机尸体,据说他嘴里塞着一枝菊花墨西哥最臭名昭著的绑架团伙之一一枝花(TheFlower)的名片。 - The LIDB provides subscriber information such as calling card information validation, third-party billing instructions and originating line number screening which provides information regarding custom calling features.
lidb提供如呼叫卡信息验证这样的用户信息、第三方记帐说明和始发线路号码屏蔽,该屏蔽可提供用户呼叫特性的相关信息。 - In what has become a grim, all-too-familiar calling card.
变成了一张令人生畏的名片。 - You realize what this means, if it is some kind of a calling card?
你知道这意味着什么吗,这就像是张名片? - To use this calling card for long distance calls, I must dial this access number ( phone number)
使用此电话卡拨打长途电话,必须先拨此访问号码(电话号码) - Even after having done all the preparation and armed with the best calling card, you will still face rejection.
尽管你作好了充分准备又采用了最有说服力的电话通话技巧,你仍然可能被拒绝。 - It's your calling card – it's your place to brag, and dynamic tags can show off how great you are with a knife, a jet, or even show off your personal play style.
这是你的电话卡-这是你的吹牛,和动态标签可以炫耀你用刀子,喷射,甚至炫耀您的个人打法是多么伟大。 - Using your current location and calling card selection, dialing this number could result in an emergency services call to911.are you sure you want to dial this number?
使用当前位置和电话卡选项,拨出该号可能导致911紧急服务呼叫。是否确认要拨出该号? - I'd like to charge this to my calling card.